Multi-skilled electrical services contractors
The correct and proper ventilation systems and processes are absolutely imperative in many industrial locations and workplaces. Requirements are normally very specific to the location and what processes and activities are being undertaken in the environment. In every case, the issue which is of paramount importance is the extraction of harmful fumes, gases, and dust from the working environment in a safe manner, while also considering environmental impact.
M&S Electrical can instal ventilation and extraction systems for most situations. However, in the event where specialist systems or expertise is required, we will do our best to either recommend a specialist fitter or advise you in any way that we can do.
Here is some advice and recommendation from CIBSE, the chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
Click below to learn more about the other electrical services that we offer.
Get in touch with us for a free estimate on any existing or future planned electrical work, and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.
© M&S Electrical (UK) Limited | Units 1&2, Woodland Enterprise Centre, Flimwell, TN5 7PR | 01580 879611
Reg Number 04483718 | VAT reg number: 683600434 | Reg Office: 30-34 North Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1DW
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